Saturday, March 22, 2014

Those Annoyingly Embarassing Moments That Happen to Everyone (Part 2)

Dem Awkward Things That Happen at Parties

   ... So as many people know, once you have been at any birthday party, everyone starts getting a little of what I have dubbed the "Birthday High." It's where all reason is flung out of the window, and dignity has disappeared, so everyone starts doing ridiculous things that they regret the second they step out the door. So if you are new to the aspect of party high, or just don't go to parties, here are a few that I have experienced...
  1. Playing Just Dance 4 and being part of the strange harem that dances around the lead person in "Careless Whisper" stage version. (Even weirder was tat I am a male...) Another event with this was while to people were doing the regular version of said song, another person was recording the ensuing madness, and when the song was done, the two proceeded to flip out, take the phone, and sadly delete the video...
  2.  Later, playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I  was sitting around waiting my turn discussing the characters with some of my friends. I then commented on how Earthbound is one of the weirdest game series around, and proceeded to be assaulted by said friends.
  3. Shooting home videos with friends which ranged from playing a stupid coffee scene to stabbing people for a spot in a Disney ride line.
  4. Playing truth or dare, in which one of the people was dared to run outside and yell "KAWAII DESU!!!" While doing a double flip-off.
 Anyways, as usual, do you have any moments like this? Share in the comments below!

TRIPLE Obligatory GIF Time

So for now, JELLEH OUT!!!!!


  1. HAHAHAHA >.< It was fun and you know it! We should have a day where we just walk over to my house after school (of next year) and just have a Super Mario Brawl Day…. and possibly do HW

  2. Well. This just summed up... ALL OF IT.
    But you forgot the home video we shot involving a bank robbery and a sleeping bag monster getting shot in the head repeatedly by NERF darts...
    Let's just forget about that one...
