Thursday, April 10, 2014

I Just Found This Picture to Be Way Too Hilarious

Yeah, this just a picture I found online that I found flipping hilarious (for some reason), and felt like sharing it with the world. Your Welcome.
Wonder if the frame is made of Chrome...
See? I told you the next update would be quick! (sorta)

Anyways, till next time (with a real post), JELLEH, OUT!!!!!

Those Annoyingly Embarrassing Moments That Happen to Everyone (Part 3)

OH MY GOSH HOMEWORK IS LIVING HE**!!!!! ...Anyways, sorry for the delay, so here we go with...
Part 3: Dem Topic Shifts

 Okay, so have you ever just been having a conversation with friends, family, et cetera, about some seemingly normal, innocent topic; when all of the sudden it shifts to being about something either totally inappropriate or weird. And somehow, everyone (including you) are strangely forced to drive that topic further, even though no one really wants to. Once you realize what you have all done, you stare for a while in awkward silence, pondering why in the world you deserve to exist.

So if you don't get the idea yet, here are a few examples that have happened to me in recent memory.

  1. One day, back in elementary school, my friends and I were all eating lunch, talking about the usually stupid things bored 5th graders discuss. All of the sudden, the whole conversation takes a darker turn to everything from literally A rated video games and even porn(WTF????)
  2. More recently, my friends and I were talking about...(blank stare)... but anyways, somehow we got from whatever it was to breast sizes (I HAVE NO IDEA!!!)
  Of course, after any of these types of events, everyone feels super awkward, and then literally start talking about why you were talking about what you were talking about. (That was repetitive? What are you talking about?

  Well, you know the drill. Do you have any moments like these? Share in the comments below!!!

...Wait, what's that noise...?
So until next time (hopefully soon), JELLEH, OUT!!!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Trend Settin'

No, this is not part three of "Those Annoyingly Embarrassing Moments," that will come later. Right now, I just feeling like commenting about the weird trend I've set between my other blogging friends, Hareta and DarkSecrets. Apparently, after the first "Embarrassing Moments," about random spelling errors, the Obligatory GIF turned out to be a reference to K-ON (which I knew nothing about at the time.) So know, the two are having a little battle by putting references within each and every one of their recent posts.

Watching this whole thing go down, I've found it interesting how even the littlest things can set off gigantic trends. Take for example, Flappy Bird, a crappy little game with no real purpose that became one of the biggest game trends EVER. Seriously, even the Apple App Store has been nearly flooded with all sorts of rip-offs and parodies. I still have no idea what these kinds of things do to the human mind, but it is some powerful influence.

Enough of this speculation today, I have to get to thinking of more Embarrassing Moments!

So along with the postly Obligatory GIF, (another K-ON for the heck of it)
No, seriously, I hadn't even heard about K-ON until this whole thing started, and what I have gathered  through a brief look on other people's pages and Google Images, I can't tell what the crap it is, or what it is supposed to be!!! Better start searching...

But until later, JELLEH OUT!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Those Annoyingly Embarassing Moments That Happen to Everyone (Part 2)

Dem Awkward Things That Happen at Parties

   ... So as many people know, once you have been at any birthday party, everyone starts getting a little of what I have dubbed the "Birthday High." It's where all reason is flung out of the window, and dignity has disappeared, so everyone starts doing ridiculous things that they regret the second they step out the door. So if you are new to the aspect of party high, or just don't go to parties, here are a few that I have experienced...
  1. Playing Just Dance 4 and being part of the strange harem that dances around the lead person in "Careless Whisper" stage version. (Even weirder was tat I am a male...) Another event with this was while to people were doing the regular version of said song, another person was recording the ensuing madness, and when the song was done, the two proceeded to flip out, take the phone, and sadly delete the video...
  2.  Later, playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I  was sitting around waiting my turn discussing the characters with some of my friends. I then commented on how Earthbound is one of the weirdest game series around, and proceeded to be assaulted by said friends.
  3. Shooting home videos with friends which ranged from playing a stupid coffee scene to stabbing people for a spot in a Disney ride line.
  4. Playing truth or dare, in which one of the people was dared to run outside and yell "KAWAII DESU!!!" While doing a double flip-off.
 Anyways, as usual, do you have any moments like this? Share in the comments below!

TRIPLE Obligatory GIF Time

So for now, JELLEH OUT!!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Those Annoyingly Embarrassing Moments That Happen To Everyone (Part 1)

So yeah, I'm starting up a series of relatable events that happen which are seriously annoying but no one can control. So for Number 1: Ridiculous Word Errors
                                    This is those really aggravating moments that usually occur to write a lot, and your brain decides that it wants to take a shortcut when writing words. This can either appear in cutting out entire parts of longer words, combining words together, or accidentally using homophones of words. My most common mistakes with these problems are:
  • 1. "With" and "the" which will usually turn into "Withe" for no apparent reason.
  • 2. Literally the word "Or" in which I keep writing "ore" and end up feeling stupid...
    I have had other issues with other words in the past, but those have decided to stop pestering me. But still, spelling shouldn't be this annoying when you've done it for like 12 years...
Words are Evil
     Now, I don't hate writing in general, I actually do it quite frequently (as you are reading a blog which I update.) I just hate how incompetent the mind can be with words I have known forever.

     Do you have any relatable issues with word errors like I do? Share in the comments below!

So until Part 2, JELLEH OUT!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Poor, Poor Nuzlocke

Well, as a good amount of people know, the Nuzlocke Challenge is one of the most interesting and challenging meta-Pokémon experiences any player can have. Yet, sadly, the craze is beginning to flicker. Now, while I know there is still a few people on Youtube and DeviantArt who are attempting to keep the trend alive, the main creator"s original page has begun to die out. Nuz himself hasn't said a word upon his webpage for months, and many of the greatest creators of fan comics have all left to live life. The poor, poor Nuzlocke site now only has a few comics that are worth reading, and even fewer that are able to update regularly. Now, as an (somewhat) avid Nuzlocker myself, it pains me to see such a great meta Pokémon activity losing popularity. Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here and attempt to spark a rallying cry. If all the Nuzlockers of the world, from newbies to veterans, were able to restart the craze, we could restore the Nuzlocke to its former glory! Now, I know with like, the two people whom actually read this blog at the moment, there won't be a smidgen of difference. But hopefully, someday, the audience of the Internet can witness the Nuzlocke challenge be revitalized to its former glory.

Well, enough melancholic lamenting, have some motivation!
So for now, JELLEH OUT!!!!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Struggles of IV Breeding

If any of you out there are familiar with IV's within the Pokémon world, then you may be able to share in my lamentation. So, I finally got my first ever "perfect" Pokémon, a HAMazing Mienfoo, but after my minute of celebration, I realized that I had wasted TWO MONTHS on ONE POKEMON!!!! Now, while it is an awesome end result, the process can become so mind numbingly boring... ARGH!!! This process is too long, I tell you, TOO LONG! Well, anyways, I better get back to setting up for my next perfection, _______. But before I go, time for another GIF for you peoplez.

So for now, JELLEH OUT!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Science of Rock-Paper-Scissors

... I know, you are thinking "What? There is no science to Rock Paper Scissors!!!" Well, that is  where ALL of youz be wrong. It is all in the power of prediction and assumption. Okay, so what you do, is you size up your opponent. If you know them well enough, this list can  work for almost any version of the game (especially full-body variants.) Okay, so it goes...
  • If a person is reserved or overall lazy, they are more likely to start with the option that requires the least amount of work or causes the least embarrassment. (i.e. Rock, Cow [Ninja Alien Cow], etc.
  • If a person is overall quirky\hyper and enjoys the more strange aspects of games, they will usually attempt the option that invokes the most movement (i.e. Scissors, Ninja, etc.)
  • If a person is a bit more serious about a game like this, they will usually aim for the choice that seems to override most games (i.e. Paper, Alien, etc.)
  • If someone is a complete and utter jerk in terms of these games and decides to call something like "gun," you may proceed to beat them aggressively.
Now be warned, these probabilities are not usually accurate, and are just the product of years of observations. If someone else has read this page, however, be warned; FOR YOU WILL BE SENT TO A PURGATORY OF UNENDING TIES!!!

Well, there's your food for thought for today, JELLEH OUT!!!

Party VEEERY Hard
Still Reading? Wow. Well, this GIF does have a purpose, as this will be you after realizing you have never lost a Rock Paper Scissors game with my H-AMAZING tips. :{) (PROBABLY NOT, PLEASE DONT SUE!)

Lets try this again!!!! JELLEH OUT!!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


...Stupid title, I know... But, in all seriousness, state standardized tests are the equivalent of SUCKING YOUR SOUL OUT FROM YOUR APPENDIX!!!!!! ...Yeah, this post was just kinda to UNLEASH MY RAGE, so not much else for today...


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Scientific Nonsense Which is BLACK HOLES

So, I was reading up on a recent National Geographic article about black holes, but the descriptions they gave caused me to formulate even more complex questions and ponderings. The first random idea that popped into my mind was about how a black hole itself is invisible to any sort of technology we know. While we can see the affects it has and the matter around it, we cannot see the phenomenon itself. This could make actually studying a black hole up close (in the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay distant future) extremely difficult, since if the people in mission control make one slight error on the true area of the hole's epicenter, and the research crew just happens to cross the event horizon; their done... just DONE.
 This, however, brings up another question. The gravity within the event horizon is so blasted strong, it can warp time to a point where even if you get near it, you could spend what felt like a minute inside, and ONE THOUSAND YEARS would have passed. I guess we know what that would equal if you spent more than 9 minutes in there...
All merriment aside, as the people on the spaceship quickly slam into oblivion, to us on Earth, it would seem as if they were stuck for centuries on end without moving an inch. This just proves my theory on how time is literally so malleable, we can consider it to ne like 4th dimensional Play-Doh.
 And finally we come to the largest complaint of Black Holes, which is the Spaghetti Field. Now, I don't have any problems with what it does, since that is just flippin' amazing, but really, SPAGHETTI FIELD!? I mean, this thing stretches matter apart atom by atom, and the best name you can come up with is SPAGHETTI FIELD!? Anyways, enough ranting for now.  Just know that the more you try to research the science of black holes, THE LESS YOU ACTUALLY KNOW!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Hello Interwebz!!!!

 So it seems that I have also been able to get a blog started up, so I can finally be at peace with the part of my mind that hates procrastination. So anyways, I will try to have some type of random food for thought whenever possible, so check in often!!